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What is product testing and how can you be a part of it?

Hello everyone! Recently my husband came across this fantastic website called TheInsiders ( ) We had the privilege of testing out bepanthen practically straight after signing up! Below is some information taken from their website on how you can sign up and become a tester yourself! What is The Insiders about? The Insiders is a community of influential consumers that have a passion to connect with the products they love. Our members spark conversations to bridge the gap between brands and consumer and help excellent products to stand out from the crowd by:   Sharing their opinion on social media  Starting conversations at home or outside with friends, family, colleagues, neighbours etc.  Throwing a home party for friends  Writing product reviews  Creating influential posts and user-generated content  Participating in fun sweepstakes How do I know whether I have been selected or not? If you have subscribed to a c

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